Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hillary and Bernie need to get back to civility

A mere six weeks ago, I watched a debate between the Democratic candidates for President. Compared to the Republican debate, Hillary and Bernie’s debate was a breath of fresh. They weren’t afraid to agree with each other on some issues, and they treated each other with professionalism and respect. In that same time period, the Republicans were engaging in massive immaturity, personal attacks, and general juvenile behavior. The Democrats were clearly the adults in the room.

Recently, that civility has begun to break down. Hillary is calling the Sanders campaign ‘liars’, and Bernie supporters are trying to blame Hillary for the Arizona primary shenanigans of the Republicans who run that state.

Friends, what we are headed toward is a break in the Democratic Party if we don’t tone things down a notch or two. Supporters of both Bernie and Hillary have to admit how much better the other Democrat is than Drumpf or Cruz. They must understand what kind of right wing ideologue any Republican will appoint to the Supreme Court. They have to acknowledge the deep danger our country will face with a man like Donald Trump having his finger on the button. The rich will rejoice not having Bernie or Hillary in the White House, while the working man will come to despise President Trump.

The 2016 election is simply too important to allow the Rethuglicans to win by fracturing the Democratic Party. We each need to resolve, whoever we support in the primaries, that we will back the Democratic nominee, whoever that may be. Let’s have a good fight on the ISSUES, and support whoever you prefer. But let’s not risk damaging the chances of defeating the Republicans in November by escalating the rhetoric to such a degree that we can’t come together this fall.