Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

And who shall prosecute AG Gonzales for perjury?

In light of the King George administration's statement last week that it will not enforce subpoenas against administration officials, and yesterday's tesimony by AG Gonzales that even Republicans found not to be credible, who is left that could review and prosecute the Untited States Attorney General for perjury?

Or will Bush simply pardon him?

Folks, this refusal to follow the law is nothing less than a coup d'etat. Just wait till the administration finds some flaw in the election next year, and refuses to cede power.....

We should all be calling our elected officials and be protesting in the streets. While we still can....

Friday, July 20, 2007

King George claims his executive privilege trumps laws

In a stunning development, King George claims that he has no accountability to Congress. His administration has decided to simply ignore Congressional subpoenas. When threatened with contempt charges, Bush administration officials are now saying they will not allow Justice Department officials to proceed with any criminal charges.

"A U.S. attorney would not be permitted to bring contempt charges or convene a grand jury in an executive privilege case," said a senior official, who said his remarks reflect a consensus within the administration. "

Mark J. Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason University who has written a book on executive-privilege issues, called the administration's stance "astonishing."

"That's a breathtakingly broad view of the president's role in this system of separation of powers," Rozell said. "What this statement is saying is the president's claim of executive privilege trumps all."

The full story is HERE in the Washington Post.

Monday, July 02, 2007

King George lets Libby escape prison time

As many of us expected, King George commuted Scooter Libby's sentence for Obstruction of Justice. Libby will serve zero day in the bucket, although the conviction and the fines continue to stand. (For now, until the full pardon later on).

What did Scooter actually do? Lied and misled a grand jury, under oath, during an investigation of the political 'outing' of undercover agent Valerie Plame's identity. In truth, Scooter played a major role in leaking to the press about Plame, blowing her cover, and possibly ruining a source of intelligence on Iranian nukes. To the grand jury, he told self-serving, and administration protecting, lies.

Now the pay back. He gets off without prison. Hmmmm.... seems like a quid pro quo to me. A pay off. A bribe. But Bush has nothing to fear. After all, which U.S. Attroney would come after him?

This is a travesty of the 'no man is above the law' myth.