Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Fascinating interview comparing Watergate and King George crimes

On the April 27th "Democracy Now" broadcast, there is a fascinating discussion with former Nixon administration White House Counsel John Dean and Daniel Ellsberg, comparing the acts and crimes of the Nixon adinistration with those of the Bush administration.

Who would know better than these two men, who were central figures in the Nixon era events. Listen to this discussion online HERE.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Are you a 'Progressive Patriot'?

Got an e-mail tonight from my friend Russ. He invites us all to join a new movement that favors at least censure of President Bush. They even steal my King George tag! (Okay, I know I wasn't the first to use it!)

Watch the Video HERE. Their website is also interesting HERE.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Did King George condone leak?

The news out of Washington indicates that Scooter Libby testied under oath before the grand jury that George Bush authorized him to leak the National Intelligence Estimate that led to the exposure of CIA Agent Valerie Plame.(See below)

If true, the utter hypocrisy of this is astounding. Bush vowed to 'fire' whoever did the leak of Plame's identity, and also heavily criticized leaks in general.

See these stories on CNN and Rawstory for more info....