Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trump wants to 'open up libel laws', aka destroying right of free press...

This week in Texas, Donny Trump advocated 'opening up libel laws', claiming that when the Washington Post or the New York Times write a 'hit piece' on someone, they will be able to be sued and have to pay 'lots of money'. Trump thinks newspapers are way too protected under current law, and when he is elected, we are going to change that law. See Trump calls to open up libel law.

What Trump refers to is the 'public figure rule', where to win for libel, anyone who is a public figure must prove 'actual malice' on behalf of the news story. This rule dates back to 1964, and the case of the New York Times v. Sullivan. The United States Supreme Court held that it violated the right of freedom of press for the press to be effectively shut down by numerous lawsuits claiming libel during the civil rights movement. Racists bigots were repeatedly suing the press to try to stop all the bad publicity that they got from their segregation policies. This case is heavily based on the first amendment.

Trump thinks this can be addressed by passing 'new laws'. This is indeed a scary thought. In fact, since this rule is based on a constitutional decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, any new law to the contrary would be unconstitutional. Once again we see that Trump either has no understanding of history, or of the constitution, or of the rule of law. That, or that he purposely chooses to ignore the law so that he can pander to his audience for political gain.

This is the way that a dictator behaves. Let the press know that they can be effectively put out of business if he is elected, so that they temper their criticism of him. However Trump should be careful. There are still plenty of people in the press that will take these as fighting words. And one should remember that old Mark Twain quote: 'Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.'

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Trump: "Who knows what was in my head?"

The ultimate question: Who knows what was in Trump's head? Back in 2002, Donald Trump pledged lukewarm support for the Iraq war.

This year, he has insisted that he was adamantly opposed to the Iraq war.

Today, he was confronted about his lies about his position at the time. His response (HERE) "who knows what was in my head...." 

Indeed. That is a mystery that still confounds us...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Welcome to the 2016 election!

It is a scary election year for this country.

The Republican side features front-runners like Donny Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. As I write this, Jeb Bush (Bush III), John Kasich, and Ben Carson are about to exit stage right, following Fiorini, Christie, Hucklebee, et al.

The Democratic side now features Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

For me, this year will be a tough election to get behind someone. I was an Obama supporter four and eight years ago. I am generally satisfied with Barack's terms, but not thrilled. The Rethuglicans thwarted him at every turn the last six years, and his accomplishments lag accordingly.

But really, are people serious about Trump? What an idiot this man is. He proposes a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Aside from the fact that blatant religious discrimination in unconstitutional, how in the hell could this even be possible? I went and looked at my passport to be sure, and there is absolutely no category for 'religion'. Even is he wanted to, there is no practical way to prevent any particular religion from entering out country. And guess what... those ISIS terrorists that he is afraid of will not admit their religion....duhhh.

Anyway, we will stay in touch with the political scene, and try to post more frequently....take it slow.