Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Cheney says Democrats soft on national security: We say Republicans stupid on terrorism...

Okay, so it's name calling time. VP Dick (The Thug) Cheney has decided to call Democrats 'soft on terrorism'.

Lets fight 'em head on for once!

Bush and Cheney are just plain stupid on terrorism. They lead us into attacking Iraq, which had nothing to do with terrorism, based on false claims of WMDs and ties to Bin Laden. All we end up doing is getting bogged down in a quagmire, costing thousands of lives, and inciting tens of thousands in the middle east to join terrorist groups, like Al Queda in Iraq.

They kidnap and torture thousands of Muslims on suspicion of terrorism, creating thousands more pissed off people who now hate the U.S. worse than ever.

While doing all of this, they tread all over the constitution, and our reputation as a law abiding, due process respecting country, by engaging in violations of human rights, illegal wiretaps, and holding countless prisoners indefinitely in secret prisons without filing any charges (but with plenty of torture-like activity).

All in all, I accuse Republicans of the King George variety of being just plain dumb. (Ok, they are also lying wesels, but that can be the subject of a future column....)


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