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It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Boycott ABC Television

Well, they aired it. After all the pre-airing complaints about the 'docudrama' on the 9/11 attacks, ABC/Disney aired the highly inacurate and partisan version of the attacks on a 2 night miniseries.

I waited to post this till after the program ran, so as not to give any more attention to this show, and not to allow it to benefit from the free PR buzz, albeit negative buzz, that occurred.

No party is blameless in the 9/11 attacks. However, by airing such a political hack job less than 60 days before the fall elections, the vicious right wing is pulling out all stops to hold onto power. Make no mistake: these people are scared. Why?

Maybe they worry about impeachment for King George. Maybe they worry about FISA arrests for felony wiretap violations. Maybe about international law violations for torture and illegal renditions and secret prisons, and violating the Geneva conventions. Maybe they just love the power.

Whatever the reason, we will see the nastiest campaign in our lifetime in the next two months. A scared Rethugllican will stop at nothing to get re-elected. The 9/11 lie-odrama is only the beginning. Hold on tight, here we go!


  • At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always thought that ABC was a lefty...not a righty. The truth is that had Clinton taken out Osama when he had the chance instead of getting his penis pleasured in the oval office...it would have taken away the enormity of 9/11 or away all together. Besides we knew about Clinton being a coward before the movie aired. You don't have to be left, middle or right to figure that out. The left thinks if you are not reminded of it that you won't remember. Well this RED BLOODED AMERICAN doesn't need reminding of what a liar Clinton was and is. That movie will not change how people vote.

  • At 7:47 AM, Blogger Mike Grayson said…

    Clinton lied about having an affair...big deal.

    Bush has lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction, directly leading to the deaths of thousands.

    Bush has lied about needing a court warrant to conduct surveilance on Americans.

    Bush has ruined this country's international image to the point where an entire generation of new terrorists are targeting us.

    Clinton simply tried to kill Osama Bin Laden without also killing the entire village he was in at the time.

    Bush lovers don't like to admit it, but Bush had been in office 8 months prior to 9/11, and they had plenty of indicators that were ignored.

    The ABC special was truly right wing funded, and intended to make Democrats look weak on terrorism less than two months before the election.

    What would our right-wingnuts say if one of the networks ran a mini-series on how the Bushies led us into the Iraq fiasco with lies and false intelligence and maipulations right before the election? (And that would even be true, unlike the ABC show...) The answer is obvious; they would go nuts....

  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger Mike Grayson said…

    Oh and the part about Clinton being a coward....it's funny to hear you post that as an anonymous person....real brave.

    Clinton stood up and went through impeachment, and came out intact. He has faced down his accusers and their hidden agendas for years. Is he perfect? Hell no. But he is no coward.

    Bush and Cheney on the other hand, evaded their military service obligations....racked up DUIs, and got rich on investment scams.

    Now Bush and Cheney show how 'brave' they are by sending other peoples kids (mostly poor peoples) to fight and die in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their own friends and families stay safe in the United States. Real brave....


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