Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's time to wake up!

Recently there were several stories about how when you first wake up, it's like you are drunk. You fumble around to turn off the alarm clock, and then stumble out of bed.

I think this is the stage our country is in right now. We are starting to wake up to the danger of the 'silent majority's' long time apathy to what has been going on with King George's Administration.

Today I read an article on the latest involuntary draft of 50,000 Americans into the Army. While they may have initially enlisted, they are now being forced to continue to serve longer than they ever agreed to. See http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060129/pl_nm/iraq_usa_stoploss_dc

This scares the hell out of me. I think about my two young boys, and I see them being drafted in a few years to go fight in the middle east. Clearly, the 'volunteer' army cannot long survive involuntary extensions of service time. Many will not enlist for indefinite service commitments.

As much as it scares me to say, I wonder if a draft wouldn't be a good thing in a way. That might be what it takes to awaken this country. Instead of those 'other' peoples kids being put in harms way, it would be everyone's kids. Then maybe we will all care a little more what our country is doing in the world. Then, maybe we will care about policies and practices that do nothing but inflame others and make terrorism attractive in the third world.

It's time to wake up our country, end the apathy, and let this republic experience true democracy.


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