Wake up democracy!

It's time to end the apathy and wake up. We should be writing letters to the editor, posting blogs, donating money, and pushing our officials to wake up and take action!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More evidence of conservative meddling in Democratic primaries

With Hillary ekeing out a 2% win in the Indiana Democratic primary, exit polls confirm that Rush Limbaugh's 'Operation Chaos' is impacting the Democratic primary.

THIS story shows that perhaps as much as 7% of the overall vote went to Hillary in Indiana from voters who will support McCain in the general election, and have conservative values. Without that 7 % of the vote, Obama wins Indiana easily.

Folks, it is past time for Hillary to withdraw. Democrats are spending millions of dollars beating each other up, while the Republicans are sitting back and smiling (or actively throwing gas on the fire).

The only way Hillary can win the nomination is to play games with the Michigan or Florida primary results and those delegates. This will truly split the Democratic party, and throw the election to McCain. If Hillary is a true Democrat, she must quit now and let the healing begin.


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