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Monday, August 27, 2007

Attorney General Gonzales resigns, finally

The [good] news of the day is that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned. He is apparently to be replaced by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.

Of course this is long overdue. It was predictable that Bush would not want to carry Gonzales into an election year: too much drain on the party. Gonzales is easily the worst AG this country has ever had. He makes John Mitchell, Nixon's AG (who did time), look like a slacker.

Chertoff is far more qualified than Gonzales ever was to be the AG. Magna laude from Harvard Law. Clerked for Justice Brennan at the Supreme Court. He has been a federal prosecutor, and a federal appeals court judge. He headed the Department of Justice Criminal Division early in the Bush administration. He is no liberal.....but he is eminently qualified.

Hopefully, this will mean something for restoring the rule of law to this country. We shall see. The confirmation hearings should be interesting.


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